
Entries: 9

Experiencing Medellín, Colombia

Experiencing Medellín, Colombia

One of the most recommended locations to visit was the city of Medellin, Colombia. I've planned this trip well in advance during the summer, looking for places to rent and learning about the different parts of the city. Right when the weather started to get uncomfortably cold in Switzerland, at the start of November, I left my apartment and began my journey to Colombina. Travel There are currently no direct flights available from Zurich to Medellin, and most of the flights go through Bogota, the…

Life in El Tunco, El Salvador

Life in El Tunco, El Salvador

My final destination for this trip was the country El Salvador. In my research, i found out that El Salvador is one of the best countries for surfing with consistent waves year-round. The flight from Costa Rica was only one hour, and the country removed all entry restrictions. Going through immigration took only about five minutes, then I was ready to grab my luggage and get a taxi to my destination. Location El Salvador is a small country with around 6.5 million inhabitants. The stereotypical…

I was reading this book in El Salvador on a hammock right in front of the ocean. It's a beautiful story about life, love, meditation and surfing. Thoughts create our reality, went the thinking, and suffering is an experience in the mind. Master your thoughts—or simply let them be without constant reactions and identification—and you master reality. You master being. Suzuki Roshi once said, “If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything, it is open to everything. In the beginner’s mind…

Working remote from Costa rica

Working remote from Costa rica

After my surf camp and hostel experience, i planned to move to my own apartment to work remotely for a month from Costa Rica. Airbnb I booked the Airbnb ahead of my stay in Costa Rica. The location was still in the same town called Tamarindo. On the map, the place was just two streets behind my initial destination. Little did i know that those streets are one of the most off-road streets in the town and that the second one had a steep incline. Luckily my friend from the surf camp drove me to my…

Technical book about the science of surfing. I started reading it while i was learning to surf in Costa rica. In deep water, way beyond the breakpoint, waves don’t transport water anywhere (see Chapter 5). The particles just go round and round in circles and there is no net displacement of water.

Escaping to Costa Rica

Escaping to Costa Rica

It's December 2021. During the last two years, i have been working as hard and consistently as never before in my life. The seemingly never-ending pandemic prevented me from doing extended periods of travel. I've not taken a single week of vacation other than a couple of days off during the last two years. I've put great effort into my job and in building my own business. While I was satisfied with the results, i was in urgent need of changing my daily schedule, which mainly consisted of work…

Reflecting on 2020

Reflecting on 2020

I am writing this post on new years day of 2021. I've spent new years eve at home with a couple of friends eating raclette and enjoying some wine and whiskey. All outside restaurants and clubs were closed due to the pandemic restrictions. Nobody could have predicted the way that 2020 has turned out. The year will be remembered forever as the year of the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has affected anyone on earth differently. I am grateful that the worst thing that happened to me was that I…

Reflecting on my last 10 years (2010-2020)

Reflecting on my last 10 years (2010-2020)

This post is a reflection of the last 10 years of my life. At the beginning of this decade, I was 15 years old. I am now writing this at 25 years old. Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years. - Bill Gates This quote is powerful to me. When I look back over the last ten years. I don't feel like I've changed much from one year to the next, but all the small changes and improvements compounded over ten years brought me to my current self…

New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions

Almost everyone makes them, but almost no one can stick to them. Myself included, for the last years i have been consistently making new years resolutions, some have turned out great and some have failed miserably. The biggest mistake is that people tend to make overblown goals that require a complete change of their habits. Habits which were obtained over many years are not that easy to break, just with the beginning of a new year. For example, someone who never exercises makes the resolution…